The Right People in the Right Roles
We help companies thrive and grow by finding the right people to move them forward; the Leaders and Visionaries, the Revenue Drivers, the Storytellers and Innovators, the Value Communicators. Our decade of focus on Marketing/Branding, Business Development, Client Services, Management and Operations, and Creative, has enabled us to understand the critical roles these positions play with regard to the ongoing success of an organization.

"It has been a true pleasure to work with Hager Executive Search. They have provided a selection of high caliber talent with the pertinent background to cue them up for success within our organization. I felt like I had a true partner in sourcing the talent I needed.- SVP Western Division Fortune 500 Firm

Our expertise in finding these talented contributors and relating your open opportunity and brand story is a crucial element to their joining your team and increasing your company’s success. We work in the best interest of the client but always with a sensitivity to the requirements and aspirations of the candidate to ensure the right fit.

Listed below are some of the roles Hager Executive Search routinely fills on behalf of our client partners.

Leaders and Visionaries
CEO, Chief Executive Officer
COO, Chief Operating Officer
CTO, Chief Technical Officer
S/VP Client Services
Partner / Principal
GM / Managing Director
Revenue Drivers
CRO, Chief Revenue Officer
Chief Commercial Officer
S/VP e-Commerce
S/VP Growth
S/VP Sales
S/VP of Client Engagement
Director of Business Development
Storytellers & Innovators
Chief Creative Officer
CSO, Chief Strategy Officer
CIO, Chief Innovation Officer
Chief Design Officer
S/VP Brand
S/VP Digital Transformation
Executive Creative Director
Value Communicators
CMO, Chief Marketing Officer
CDO, Chief Digital Officer
Chief Communications Officer
S/VP Marketing
S/VP Content Marketing
S/VP Media
Director of Marketing