The ongoing workforce challenges continuing to face executive leadership in 2023

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The challenges that executive leadership face in 2023 are not much different than the challenges of executive leadership in 2022.

The ongoing challenges are around where, how, and why we work.

Where we work, remote hybrid or in office? Depends on the role and how effective the role can be handled remotely vs roles that require more in person interaction to be completed successfully. Gathering and using data to access digital footprints of business units can be helpful in removing emotion from decisions regarding if an executive would achieve better business outputs by being in office. If the data shows the opposite, that the executive would be more effective in a remote office, remote still provides a significant cost savings to organizations by reducing lease space.

How we work and how that work is measured. It is very difficult to establish a workforce based on trust if an executive team monitors people with tracking tools. An executive’s goal would be better achieved focusing on what drives business outcomes. Productivity is slipping, what is the best way to measure? Through results not through surveillance.

Why we work. Pay or Purpose? Although the Great Resignation is no longer making headlines, it is still in full force. The pandemic did drive the desire of employees to think about purpose and the value of working in purpose driven cultures which has fueled the number of resignations during and post pandemic. Even with the increased value of purpose, pay is and will continue to be a crucial element of work. Understanding what a workforce values is key to understanding how to retain and value your workforce.