4 steps to a better Candidate experience

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Candidate experience is so important in a highly competitive talent market.  You can get almost everything right and fail to keep talent engaged due to poor hiring processes.  Here are some examples of things to consider and pitfalls to avoid as you conduct your hiring process.

Overly long interview process – If your interview process is too long, you run the risk of the talent losing interest long before you have completed your process.  While you need to ascertain if a talent is a culture fit you need to also ask yourself whether you need this person to interview with everyone in the company.  What is it that you are trying to accomplish? Lengthy interviews and extremely lengthy processes may make the talent wonder why it is so difficult for you to make a decision.

Staff Interviews Poorly – Train your staff to interview well.  If the candidates are walking away from the experience thinking that your people are venting and/or ranting, you need to take the time to provide a better outlet for your people to express their concerns/frustrations instead of doing so with your potential new hires.

Are you compensating fairly? – Make sure that your compensation is fair for the role that you are seeking to fill.  Certainly compensation is only one part of why a talent may walk away but you need to look at this one too.

It’s a two way street – Also, look at your organization from the outside in.  What are you providing to make talent move to your organization?  Stop thinking of hiring as a one way street – talent are also interviewing you.  Make sure you understand a talent’s motivators instead of only understanding your own.

Just some things to think about before running talent through your process, not after.

Happy Hiring!